The other day, Leap for Life welcomed knowledge-thirsty members from Senioruniversitetet Halmstad. It was a day filled with knowledge and technology as participants had the opportunity to visit both the DokkX exhibition and Halmstad University's intelligent apartment.
The day began with a digital tour of DokkX, an exhibition on smart home technology in Aarhus municipality, Denmark. DokkX is intended to be a hub for innovation where educational and research institutions, the business sector, the municipality, and citizens together can develop technical solutions for the future.
Virginia Wiman, project manager at Leap for Life, who also teaches and researches in public health science and health education, led the virtual tour and moderated discussions filled with interesting dialogues about future trends and opportunities within smart and connected homes.
Virginia Wiman, project manager at Leap for Life, led the virtual tour and moderated the discussions.
During the visit, participants also received a tour of Halmstad University's intelligent apartment, Halmstad Intelligent Home. The apartment is designed as a realistic home environment and serves as a development lab where research and experiments contribute to advancements in health, care, and welfare. A smart and connected home is not just an opportunity to ease daily life with features such as controlling lights or home electronics; the technology can also be an important resource within healthcare and welfare.
Research engineer Wagner Ourique de Morais showcased some of the smart features in the apartment.
The day offered many new insights for both parties. The viewings at DokkX and Halmstad Intelligent Home sparked interesting dialogues about the potential of technology in everyday life and within the healthcare system. It was an insight into innovation and collaboration to shape a more person-centred, sustainable, and inclusive future in healthcare.
Senioruniversitetet Halmstad is a non-profit, politically and religiously independent association that strives to convey knowledge and create social interaction among retirees by offering both education and networking opportunities.
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