Professional development within healthcare can include many different things. Within Leap for Life, there is currently the project Digga Halland, the collaboration arena Health Lab and courses, both regular courses at Halmstad University and tailor made courses for professional development.
New knowledge of people, technology and society enables the creation of innovative working methods for communication, counselling, examination, treatment and training. Health Lab offers advanced opportunities to train the skills and develop the technology needed in future healthcare.
The lab houses, among other things, the Home of Health (Hälsans hem) – a complete two-bedroom apartment for simulation and practice of professional skills in healthcare. At the Health Lab, you will also find the Health Centre (Hälsocentralen) – a new type of healthcare clinic where researchers and students from the nursing or health education programmes, for example, can develop new forms of reception. The lab is also an environment where innovative solutions for everything from elite athletes to rehabilitation are developed.
Health Lab at Halmstad University External link, opens in new window.
Simulated learning environment in the Health Lab.
At Halmstad University, education for professionals is aimed at individuals who wish to further train themselves. The courses are made to be flexible, with almost all education through distance learning and individual work. The courses require having a degree and some work experience.
Education for professionals at Halmstad University External link, opens in new window.
To meet the demands that the Swedish healthcare system faces, a change that uses the possibilities of digitalisation is needed. To take on this change, healthcare, the business sector and academia need to develop new innovations. To get there, the businesses need professional development. Now, five Swedish higher education institutions are coming together to start a research school within health innovation. It will educate the future key persons within Swedish healthcare.
Professional development at Halmstad University External link, opens in new window.
Digga Halland is a collaboration project aiming to develop the digital competence among people working in the healthcare sector. This is necessary in order to provide the care recipients, their relatives and the employees themselves the most benefit possible from using digital services and ways of working.
Through the project, 7 000 employees in Halland get an online course on the foundation of digitalisation. Several municipalities have chosen to appoint representatives or coaches among their employees to drive the process and help with digitalisation.
Digga Halland at Halmstad University (Swedish) External link, opens in new window.
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