

"The contribution of family caregivers is incredibly valuable at every stage of life"

Lena Johansson has many years of experience working with children with disabilities. After retiring, she became a board member of the Family Caregivers’ Association.

I worked at the Children's Clinic in Halmstad for 40 years. During the last 20 years, my primary focus was providing respiratory support to children with muscle weakness. This involved supporting or taking over the child’s breathing at night and ensuring optimal secretion clearance during the day. I also provided extensive training for parents and assistants.

Older woman with brown hair, smiling and looking to the side. Image.

Lena's greatest driving force is to improve healthcare for children with disabilities.

I joined the Family Caregivers’ Association because the contribution of relatives is incredibly valuable at every stage of life, and supporting and highlighting their work feels important. My work with children with disabilities and their families is my driving force in striving to improve healthcare and ensuring that shared decision-making happens much earlier in the care process.

What Matters to Me:

  • A healthcare system that is open and unpretentious in communicating what it can and cannot provide.
  • Earlier user involvement in product and service development, especially when the user group consists of children.
  • Clear support measures for family caregivers providing care at home.
  • Improved treatment of patients and service users within healthcare.
  • Raising awareness of the significant and society-sustaining contributions of family caregivers.

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